More information about Top-down education

A working title for Top-down education is Open Space.

meaning for students

The student carries out the activities listed on the personal agenda. This agenda is managed and filled by the student himself. There are four half-days per school day. This agenda also ensures optimal use of the school building and resources.

The student makes choices such as learning, sports, music, consultation, nutrition, construction, debate, certification, etc. from daytime activities. The student can schedule this activity (sometimes in consultation) or schedule the activity with other pupils.
The student also manages the student tracking system. In this system all activities and progress of the student are archived.
The student can organize special activities just alone by himself or co-create activities in a group while consulting the teacher.
Each student has an older buddy as a confidant and each student is a buddy for a younger student. In addition to this support, each student can consult his own teacher.
A certification is required for carrying out certain activities. A safety certificate is needed for the cooking competences, for example. Without a license, a student may not carry out certain and relevant activities.
During the ‘learning’ activity, the pupil can choose his own the relevant subjects that should be mastered for basic secondary and start-up university education. These topics are based on the core objectives and attainment targets drawn up by the government. For each subject, the pupil receives information about the resources of the subject, what it really means – the greater picture’ – and what it can be used for – its application and integration – and what the subject specifically embraces. This is presented in several ways to the pupil who chooses what he / she does with it. If a subject is sufficiently completed according to the pupil, the pupil participates in a test to see and experience how well he or she has mastered the subject. This test indicates the level of the student. He or she can be dissatisfied with this level and can take the test again after personal improvement.
The student can always view and pick up all kinds of topics. The final level of the student is determined by the results of all tests.
Each pupil can invite people from outside school to support his or her an activity by some kind of consultation. A student can also arrange for participation or organization of extracurricular activities such as national tournaments.

Meaning for teachers
Each teacher supervises and supervises approximately 50-60 pupils. The teacher can view the agendas of his / her pupils, can interview and consult students concerning their progress and / or issues and problems. The teacher also ensures a good and safe course of the day for all pupils.
The teacher can, upon request, help a student with the right choice on which a subject can best be studied. He or she can help the student across a threshold so that the student can always continue without useless delay.
The teacher receives reports from the computer program and can act accordingly. He or she can consult with other teachers about, for example, how a particular student is to be best helped.
A teacher provides and maintains the courses and issuance of certificates.
Each teacher supports and inspires students to set up or follow beautiful and interesting activities. Most of the work is done by the students themselves.
Every teacher ensures that the pupil(s) leaves the used space tidy after each activity. The responsibility for the use of spaces is always the responsibility of the student(s) him or herself who have developed an activity there. The rooms must be well-equipped or adjusted differently.
Every teacher has contact with the parents / educators of his or her pupils. There is also sufficient provided and available for this. Together with the pupil they provide an pedagogically right environment for the pupil in which he / she gets the best out of himself in terms of learning and in his / her own development and preparation for his or her adult life. The school and teachers are at the service of that student’s core activity.

Meaning for parents
For parents, after the initial decision to send their child to an Open Space school, the situations and activities are not much different than for other parents. The pupil, their child, can more often ask for advice within the family or with family or friends, how to deal with a particular activity. This advice is easier for the pupil to perform because the pupil has more room for his own performance.
The parents can make easier contact with the teacher of their child and discuss how they together can make it easier for the student to achieve the goals set by the pupils themselves.
Parents can also help therefore more easily and regarding their own talents, education and experience, they support and help the school to facilitate activities that are requested by the students.

Meaning for the school board
A school board offers innovative education with Open Space Education. It includes education, top-down offer of learning and developing the pupil at their own level and learning speed process, allowing the student to start his adult life far more independently and with a lot of self-knowledge and self-confidence.
A school board constantly has all data available to determine whether the education is of sufficient high quality. Notifications are made via the system if problems may arise. The school board has easier contact with teachers and pupils and can therefore act more quickly and effectively if necessary.
For an inspection, the school board can immediately retrieve all relevant information that the inspection needs for its work. This can be per pupil, per group of pupils or of all pupils.
The work and commitment of the teachers is also visualized by the system.
The costs for this type of education do not differ or hardly differ from the costs of current education.

Meaning for society
Society benefits from diverse education. With this, society serves a larger group of pupils with appropriate and highly-qualified education. It is also in line with social developments to differentiate education; more individually approach. This development is characterized by proper individualism in a social context.
For society this innovation and change of the way of education are offered, comparable with the innovation that brought, for example, the Montessori education. To look at pupils differently and to deal with pupils differently than has been (and was) usual until now.

What is already available and actual?
This concept was originally conceived in 1999 under the name ‘de Boxschool’. After further development and implementation of new technical possibilities, this concept has continued under the current name.
I have many contacts in education, private and regular, who are interested in this concept. I also have many contacts with proponents of top-down education. These can usually be found within the gifted group. On this website you can indicate with your name that you would like to see Open Space Education realized.
The subjects for the elementary school part are ready in draft. These are prepared in collaboration with a teacher of elementary education.
There is a business plan(Dutch). You can request this plan via contact. Open Space Education will be rented to schools and individuals. Schools can adapt the concept to their specific wishes. With this income everything can be paid.
A description of the computer program is ready and finished on headlines and details.
Many details of this concept are known and thought through. I can virtually walk around in such schools and ‘see’ how things march. It is difficult to convey this entirely in words.
Here is a short video (Dutch) showing how a new student is shown around the school. This may give you an impression of the operation of this concept.

What is needed?
To take follow-up steps, money is needed. This can be through a subsidy, a financing or a business partner. The money is needed to realize the computer program and its filling processes. The time related estimation is that with half a year we will be able to enter the market with this beautiful concept.
Open Space Education can be leased to schools and private individuals through a foundation or a BV. With this direct income the starting capital can be earned back. The business plan can be requested without obligation via contact.
As a parent or prospective student you can give your support to this concept by placing your name on this website. This way you can help to achieve this concept. You can promote this concept via social media via the icons on each page and / or bring it to organizations or individuals who are able to get this concept truly started and actualized.
In addition, it is important to involve the various educational organizations at an early stage in the development of this concept and in particular the development of the tests. The goal is to be accepted as a full-fledged educational system that has been approved by the government. Schools that start have to apply to this system; and comply with the law and are eligible for funding. And they can then issue diplomas to the students. Montessori has succeeded, this is also possible with Open Space Education.
The above must receive the necessary attention from the beginning to make Open Space Education a success.

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